Sunday, January 9, 2005

Just another day....

Yesterday was just another day. Nothing different, again. Thats good, in the pain issue. I see my doctor tomorrow. I can't wait. :o) There's a lot I really want and need to tell him. My hips and legs are still in pain, and making it hard for me to walk. I'm starting to get used to it. Just like my back and shoulder pains. It shouldn't be this way. In my opinion. I won't stop trying to find different ways to help myself. I'm on my own mission for my body. I don't even recognize it when I look in the mirror. The weight that the medicines made me gain, the pain in my eyes, and my posture. I know how I feel, and it's not the person I see in the mirror. I've come to except what I have, but I will do everything I have to find someway to help me. If that makes any since? I'm 41 years old, I feel like I'm in my early 30's, (on the inside), and I look like I'm in my late 50's. I go on how I feel! I don't care how old I am....I don't feel it. On the inside...not the outside. Oh well....I've rambled on too much. :o)


Anonymous said...

yep, when I look in the mirror I do not see the person that is inside me! I see the pain and fatique written all over my is not a pretty site! I am 53, feel like I am in my 30's but in the mirror I see someone who should be 60's! I hope that when you see your doctor tomorrow, that he will truly listen and find something to help you... Sheri

Anonymous said...

Sheri...Thank you. :o) I will make sure he will do something to help me before I leave his office! :o) He is an understanding doctor, and hope that he will listen to me tomorrow. :o) Gentle hugs to you...Lisa