Sunday, June 26, 2005

It's been great!

For the past few days, it's been great! I have been getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep at night! :o) Wow! I wake up with no pain! It's been years since thats happened! :o) The severe pain I was in for weeks, is now going away finally! YESSS! :o) I recomend this bed to you all, it's well worth the money. :o) Yes....I do have a mom thats always said that she'd do as much as she possible can to help me with this fibromyalgia. It hurts her to see me like this. I would be the same if it were any of my children. :o) She also knows that I do use a computer as another form of comuication if I am at home alone. Thats why she knew I needed one fast. She really worries about me and has always been here for me no matter what. :o) Yes...she is so awsome! I could never ask for a better mom. :o) She's been there for me all my life. And she told me that it isn't going to stop now! :o) I love her to death! :o) I'm feeling great. I can now wake up with a good posture. wow! :o) Everyday I do feel very blessed....not only because of the new bed and computer.....because I know God is taking good care of me. :o) I'm blessed to be able to have every day that I do have. :o) I still can't get over how I'm feeling right now....and I just got up almost an hour ago! It usually takes me awhile longer to be able to feel like writing. So far, my left upper chest and arm is better now and almost back to normal. :o) yay! My right upper chest and back and upper arm is so much better. :o) There are still a few small muscle lumos, but they are not in the pain that they were in. My hips are getting better as well. I'm not on a pain level of a hard 9 anymore, I'm at a 7! yay! :o) Thats such a big differance. I'm patient when it comes to this disease...meaning if I have severe pain, I wait it out and move with the waves it puts me on...I feel that there's nothing else that I can do. I have plenty of :o) Going now....gentle hugs to you all! :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the bed is giving you some much needed rest!
