Thursday, September 29, 2005

And again.......

If it's not one thing it's another. Geesh! Yesterday I had to call my doctor for an emergancy. I had red bumps all over me, and I was ichy all over. I didn't want to take any chances of it being something contagious, so I imediatly called, and they got me in right away. Whew! Again, I have hives! I get them this time of year almost every year most of my life. lol He gave me a shot of a steroid and it stopped the iching, and gave me 2 scripts, one for the same steroid, and the other for Benadryl. But not an over the counter one. This will do the trick. :o) It's so hard to be itchy all over when you're not able to reach! YIKES! I am feeling better now from the meds. But sore now from stretching my arms to reach my icthy's! I'll probable end up in bed most of the day for two reasons; one to get my muscles to feel better, and two; because those meds. make me sleepy. :o) I could use some sleep too. :o) The baby is still sick with a cold. But he is getting a bit better. :o) Well.....this is all for now. God bless you all, and gentle hugs. :o)


Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better and getting lots of rest you need.....give baby hugs for me. BIG HUGS TO YOU  with gentle arms. Lov eyou BUNCHES & BUNCHES

Anonymous said...

aaaawww, thank you so much. :o)