Saturday, August 19, 2006

still sick, but better. :o)

Good morning all! I'm feeling a bit better today. My husband got me some over the counter meds. last night, and it did help me get some sleep. :o) YAY! :o) Too bad it didn't take away all of the other pains...rofl! :o) j/k I know better. :o)
Well...Sugar is coming by to pick me up for the gala in her super cool limo! :o)

Nice huh! :o) My escort will be escorting Sugar, Dianna and I for the evening! :o)
You need to drop by Donna's to hear her new song! It's beautiful! Stevie is singing! :o) He's so very talented! Also stop by Stevie's to view the video he has made for all of us! :o)
I want to thank all of you for helping me through a bit of a time I had....I'm feeling so much better today. :o) I was thinking of the past year and I let it get to me all over again. So sorry. Also...stop by to see all the quilt squares...thank you Roxy! :o) This entry seems to a hodg podg of everything that just comes in mind! I hope you can keep up with me. lol :o)
I think I've covered most of everything...don't forget about Sunday! Thank you all for your nice comments...they do keep me going! God bless all of you!


Anonymous said...

Hope you feel well for the party tomorrow night!
Check out my latest re my date!!! I decided to let JD take you & Dianna, & I'm going with JT!!!!!!
Lori is coming too, with Sam. Cindy is bring her friend Lucy. And my girls are coming...did you see their entry? LOL
The limo is starting to fill up!
Hugs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

Lisa, hi I happened to stumble across your journal.You have a really amazing outlook on life.You seem like an awesome person.I have an online journal too, it's private , but if you would like the link I'll send it to you, hope you have a good day, Lisa aka

Anonymous said...

You are one of the most loving, warm and affectionate people I've ever come are amazing!!

I wish you all the best forever!!!!!

Love Stevie

Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoy your ride! I stopped by and looked at the quilt squars, they are so cool! I hope you had a great day.

Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoyed the limo ride and that your having a better day,your "Smile and everyone smiles with you" pic is great and so true.
take care
linda x

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I think your journal is so awesome ! I added your journal to my other journals link tonight and told my J-land friends a little about you and your journal so you might get some new comments in your journal.I hope you do'nt mind me doing that.You seem like such an awesome person I thought my friends should know about you too, Hugs Lisa

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hope you feel better soon...have agood week and take care!
