Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Well....I was finally able to go back to bed this morning at 4:30. I forgot that I had a doctors appointment today! eeekkk! So, I had 1 1/2 hours of sleep this morning...which I feel is better then I thought I was going to get! Whew! :o) I had enough time to get ready and wait for my mom. She takes me to my appointments so she knows what each doctor tells me, (that way, one of us will remember lol ). She didn't show, so I went ahead and drove myself. No biggie! :o) I get there and find out that my blood pressure is high and I have a fever! Yikes! The doctor told me that I just have what is going around....which I already thought that, and I told him that this was also whats going around in my house as well! He gave me 3 scripts to have filled to help take care of this whatever it is, cold/flu thingy. He was also my new family doctor. I really liked him! I got that part out of the way...the "if I trust him or not." I do! :o) On my way to get my scripts filled, I found out that my mom got some great news! We've all been praying for her! :o) For over a year now, she's been looking to buy a house. She prayed and put it in God's hands. She said when He thought she would be ready, He would guide her in the right direction....and she got a house that she really liked in town here! YAY! I'm so happy for her! :o) As she told me on the phone...God seen that she got a house with the things that she and my sister needed! :o) YESSS! I'm so happy for her! :o) So, I'm fine...just am still sick, and everything has come together for my mom! :o) I was able to get a few more hours of sleep after I took my medicines. :o) I put leftover beef and noodles on the stove to heat up and my son's girlfriend is making the mashed potatoes! :o) My daughter and my grandson are leaving tonight to go to her dads house. She and her boy friend are going to an amusement park and her dad and stepmom are going to watch my grandson! :o)
The doctor told me to drink hot liquids until I'm when I came home, I made a pot of decaf coffee! I didn't have time this morning to have my coffee! I'm "nothing" until I have some coffee! LOL :o) j/k So...thats what I'm drinking right now. I'm still getting real hot, then cold, and then I'm both! Geesh! LOL That feels too funny! :o) I'm pretty weak and shaky right now, and I was going to get on line to check my email and write in myjournal then try to get some rest and eat. :o) Maybe not in that order! lol :o)
Thank you all for your comments and thank you for the new comers to my journal! Always welcome here! :o) Gentle hugs and may God bless all of you! :o)


Anonymous said...

hi Lisa...

I do hope you get better soon, its horrible being poorly, make sure you get enough rest and i hope you will be able to sleep with the nasty pleased your mom has found a house she wishes and take care!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you went to the Dr.  Hopefully you won't have this too long and you'll feel better soon.  YAY! On the house for your mom and so glad the son's GF is helful.  I hope you feel much better soon.

Anonymous said...

ah well Ihope you get better soona dn yes rest and hot liquids will do the trick. WOW that isawesome testimony about your mom

Anonymous said...

so happy for your mom..i hope the meds your dr. gave you make you feel better soon. my mom always goes to the dr with me also, i always forget to ask something or i will forget what he told

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I am so sorry you are still sick :( I hope you feel better soon !!!! That is great news about your mom !!!!!!!!!!! Congrats to her, you are such an awesome lady , I admire your gentle spirit , you are an inspiration to many, I'm so glad I met you, Hugs Lisa

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I feel for you Lisa, still feeling poorly. Plenty of fluids and 'flush the flu' outta ya system!  Great News regarding your Mom - Millie :-)

Anonymous said...

If I had 3 wishes, I'd use one of them on making you better!!


Lv Stevie

Anonymous said...
