The saying in this graphic is sooo true! :o) Thank you Donna. :o)
With my entry from can tell that I have so much on my mind. As I said, this has been such an up and down week for me. Litterally! I do have a picture that I want to share! I promised that O would when they came in!
Oh! It came out too small! Oh well...My daughter, her boy friend and my grandson! You can see where my grandson gets his eyes! His father! :o) He looks so handsom in his little tie and shirt! Too cute he is! They keep me going everyday! :o)
I've decided to make another journal, but this one will be a private one. I NEED to have one private! Badly! I will send it to my friends though. :o) I leave soooo much out of this one, that I need to write about, but I know not to mention! If I do...and it gets back to anyone...then I'm a bad person! I know I'm not...just human!
I love this graphic! Because it's true! I'd love to meet each and everyone of you and get a "gentle" hug! :o)
My physical therapist came this morning. Oh wow! Yes, it did hurt! WOW! I told her what the neuro found and about the pain clinic and the injections. She actually has one patient the has this same disease as well! Who knew! :o) I'm not glad that someone else has this, glad to know that she knows how to handle this syndrome! :o) I feel more comfortable. She told me that after all of these years...she knew that something else was wrong with me, other then having the fibro....and she said that the SMS is what my body and the muscles have been "acting" more like. hhmmm! She's also a nurse as well, and I do trust her.
My home health aid will be here in an hour. I'm glad...she really helps so much. :o)
Ok....I really need to get this off my chest, and I really don't want it to come out in a mean way at all, so I hope that it is taken the way that I mean it.
Ok, here goes; <not whinning, stating the facts> It kind of hurts my feelings when I have been told so many different times that, "Oh, don't worry about that, I'll help you do that!"...."When you need help, just ask me and I'll be there."...."Why did you do it yourself...I could have done it for you?"....."Uh...I will get that for you...don't worry about it!"....."Thats all....don't worry!"...."Thats all you needed? I'll get it for you!".....Does anyone really know how many times I hear theses and how many times nothing/no one goes through with what they tell me?! (My best friend is excluded, she works well over 60 hours a week, I get to see her maybe once every 3-4 weeks) But...I can't clip my nails...finger and my hair...scratch an icth...on certain days, brush my hair, dress my self, bathe myself, get the picture? My husband just realized the other night how much I have lossed just this last month! No...I can not sit in the living room any more with the family and watch tv. with them. My living space consists of my room, which was my old computer room/front room. Thats all I can do...sit here or in my bed. I can sit at the kitchen table for a very limited amount of time, and I do it for my grandson so that he has that since of a family togetherness. I haven't been able to even walk to my car, even though it's just parked in the drive way. If I'm wheeled to it, I might be able to drive, I don't know. I just want to thank my family for their love and support! And to those that gave me such empty promises/ day, you will need help as well, and need to depend on someone too. And I pray for you! I'm so glad that I have the friends and family that I do have! God bless them! I have been blessed with them! :o)
It must be so hard for you not being able to do things we take for granted. I do hope your PT will be able to help you. The photo is lovely, what an adorable little grandson you have. Take care. Jeannette xx
Hope the PT helps. {{{}}}
The pic is precious, what a cute gson you have!
Blessings, Sugar
Your grandson is so cute. I hope that your pt helped.
hi Lisa...
you have a wonderful family who's there for you and your graphic says it all...i would like to give you a big hug too! best wishes to you Lisa and take care!
friends and family are most defiantely a blessing. nice tags
Your daughter, BF and grandson are lovely. Thanks for sharing. I certainly pray that one of these weeks things become better and you are able to get around more. We take so much for granted. HUGS Chris
I hope you add me to the private list....sometimes other people become so accustomed to what they THINK they know or see, such as your illness, that they do not see the whole picture and dont do as much as they could. TELL THEM. If you need help, yell it to the rafters! Thats what they tell us at work...if you need help, always ask and i always have.
Lisa, love the picture of your daughter, grandson and her hubby.Sorry to hear that you have been having a rough time this month, always here for you and sending hugggggggggggsssssssssssss , Love Ya Lisa XO
I love the pic of your daughter and family, i bet that grandson is going to be a handful, you can see the merriment in his eyes. I understand what you are saying perfectly. I think people that are healthy do not see the needs of someone that is disabled, i know there hearts are in the right place and they do want to help. But i think we tend to realy need help with the basics and they dont see that as a problem,that is why it falls to the wayside, oh ill do that, and your thinking mmmmm yeah next year when my hairs dirty and unkept they will see lol. i know its no comfort to you but please talk to these people with there false promises, they dont realise how much you need help.
hope you have a better day gentle hugs
katie xxx
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