Monday, November 15, 2004

Bad day.

Yesterday wasn't a very good day at all. I didn't get any sleep to start out with. Which means that I was in a lot of pain. This packing is really making me hurt pretty badly. Then, my physical therapist came, and told me that she can no longer come over! She said because that I showed some improvement! I have, but now, I'm having troubles again. Then while she was here, I got sick, and had to get to the bathroom as fast as I could! I still need her. The medicines I'm on, are not helping me at all! She does. Thats my life. She did say if I get any worse, I could call her again. uummmm, yea, I'm still the same! Then the rest of the day, we had to pack my room. Of course, my husband helped me. It's done, except for a few things I have on my desk. Just one day, it would be nice to have a full day to where nothing bad happens. I'll just have to stay as positive as I can, and go from there.

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