Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Still can't sleep.

Last night, it took me a long time to get to sleep. Way too much on my mind. I still have this headahe that I've had for a few weeks now. It just won't go away. Maybe I should call my doctor and have him give me an MRI on the rest of my body to see whats going on with it. :o) Ya' never know. I also want to thank my friend for sending me some information about a journal that was written in. Thank you. :o) I think I'm getting a cold, my grandson has one and the rest of the family hasn't been feeling very well. Blah! I'm sure it's because we've been having such cold weather, and on top of that, a whole lot of rain, and it isn't going to stop very soon. It's just been icky weather here. :o( Well, once again, I'm going to try and lay down to see if I can get any sleep. I haven't been able to for awhile, but who knows, maybe today will be different. Crossing my fingers. :o) I also want to thank another friend of mine for donating for my hot tub fund when she came over to visit and to see her grandson. :o) And my mom as well, for donating. :o) And to another very good friend of mine....I'm always here for you. :o) Well, I always am for anyone that wants to talk. :o) God Bless you all, and gentle hugs to you all. :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Lisa,
I have been reading your journl for sometime now. I can not say I understand how you are feeling because I am not in your shoes. I do read what you have to say and it touches me for as much as you are going through how well you keep going no matter what. I do not understand why anyone would put you through any unnessary heartache. Especially knowing what it does to you and how it sends your pain level through the roof. Let alone the emotional state it puts you in. You are a very remarkable person and do not let anyone ever make you feel different. I was very sorry to hear about what you have been through with your friend..I hope you have a wonderful day