Sunday, July 1, 2007

Tall Trees

It is hard to find a joke today without a dirty word or two in it, but, here is one:

Two tall trees, a birch and a beech, are growing in the woods. A small tree begins to grow between them, and the beech says to the birch, "Is that a son of a beech or a son of a birch?"

The birch says he cannot tell.

Just then a woodpecker lands on the sapling.

The birch says, "Woodpecker, you are a tree expert. Can you tell if that is a son of a beech or a son of a birch?"

The woodpecker takes a taste of the small tree. He replies, "It is neither a son of a beech nor a son of a birch. It is, however, the best piece of ash I have ever put my pecker in."

Wipe that smile off your face.



A young reporter went to a retirement home to interview an aged but legendary explorer. The reporter asked the old man to tell him the most frightening experience he had ever had.

The old explorer said, "Once I was hunting Bengal tigers in the jungles of India. I was on a narrow path and my faithful native gun bearer was behind me. Suddenly the largest tiger I have ever seen leaped onto the path in front of us. I turned to get my weapon only to find the native had fled. The tiger leaped toward me with a mighty ROARRRR! I just soiled myself."

The reporter said, "Under those circumstances anyone would have done the same."

The old explorer said, "No, not back then - just now when I went ''''ROARRRR!''''"





Anonymous said...

you are so true about there not being many jokes today without dirty words, so you inspired me to make an entry in my J about something that recently happened to me.

I especially like the first one you listed, very funny!

Anonymous said...

Haaaaaaaaa the first one is very funny Lisa.It reminded me of myself a little.Today is the first day here over the pond for NO Smoking in public places.So being as I have been out all day long .I am now going  to have  the best Ash I have ever put my pecker in now too.LOL!!Take care God Bless Kath

Anonymous said...

love the fractions joke and yes this is a good joke above

Anonymous said...

LOL good ones

Anonymous said...

lol i find alot of good jokes and clean ones if i come across some i will be sure to forward them if you like.

Anonymous said...

Very cute Lisa, Hugs Lisa

Anonymous said...

LOL! Both of them made me LOL.
LOVE YOU,lisa jo

Anonymous said...

Great jokes!!!
