Saturday, February 9, 2008

One thing at a time..


Good morning!

I've had a pretty good week. Which has lowered the tension and stress levels....which lowers my pain as well. All in all, makes it so much easier.
I'm still sleeping more then my normal. My body must need it.
My new physical therapist has been doing my therapy different. I love it! I can now stand straight and put my arms up over my head and lock my elbows! YAY! :o) I know that I'll reach my goals this year. Too bad that he can't come everyday. But I'm so grateful for what I can do now. :o)

I'm finally over that sinus stuff. About time. lol
My nurse came Thursday and I told her about those chest pains. She wants me to stay on the Lasix and Nitro.and oxygen all the time, instead of when I sleep. She called my doctor trying to get me in to see her sooner then tomorrow. They didn't have anything open until tomorrow! Wow! There is a lot of different colds and flus going around.
She was happy to see that my legs and feet were down from the swelling. They're swell up still but nothing like they did. I just keep my legs up. She told me that this will probably happen for the rest of my life. Geesh!
Nothing planned for today. I'm tired again. Oh well. :o)

Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart.



Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you that your physiotherapist is making large improvements already Lisa.  The more mobile you can become the more comfortable you will be.
It makes you feel better in yourself...doesn't it?
Jeanie xx

Anonymous said...

Lisa, glad you are feeling better, have a good weekend, Love Lisa

Anonymous said...

It's good to hear that you are doing better and I hope that continues.  Have a good weekend.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear  you are over the sinus stuff and that  you have had a pretty good week.  I wish that physical therapist could be there more often for you.  Hope you have a happy weekend. : )


Anonymous said...

Yes, that last statement is so true about humor, original, too, I like it.  I m so glad the swelling has gone down in your legs.  I have quite a lot of swelling in my legs all the time so try to keep my legs up as much as possible.  But I do take my walk every day if I can. Which helps.  I bet you will be glad to get through the cold and flu season.  From what I remember of Utah I dreaded that.  Gerry

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately true, Lisa, about the swelling. I'm pleased your sinus trouble has now gone. Have a good weekend,


Anonymous said...

thats great things are moving in a positive direction for you hun!

Anonymous said...

You changed your hair! It looks FABULOUS!  How do you feel??

Anonymous said...

hi lisa and all good to hear things are going preety good i like the hair yw , yes laughter can do wonders for the soul , come visited me at my joural too , its called , love abidding , its very short but  i think u all would like it , yr wonderful lisa and everyone have a great yeAR AND WEEK , TC OF YOU BLESSINGS AND PRAYERS , IM GLADED YR BK LISA , THANKS A BUNCH , UR OK , ITS GOING TO BE FUINE , GOD HAS YOU IN HIS HANDS , WE LOVES YOU , HUGS KISSESS ,

Anonymous said...

Glad things are going well for you xx  Sorry that your not sleeping too well.......hope you've managed to solve that xx


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're feeling better and gtting the sleep you need.  Ya....having a good day lowers our pain and other things.

Anonymous said...

you know life is very good ,i live and am married to a marine with braindamage and cogivty and he can be very voilet at times ,I have been a nusres for since 1974 and I really understand him.he is a great guy when the pssd does not kick in .Life is what it is and you give it your best shot,I love life and I refuse to be brought down to the begger elements of this world .you inspire me  lisa and hope things work for your good my friend.may god bless and keep you.Never take life for granted for you know not what lies a head.