Sunday, October 2, 2005

I need a vacation!

With so much on my mind about my health, and a few other things...I really need a vacation! All I need is a few days of nothing but relaxing, and nothing else going on thats outside of this house. It upsets me to see or feel something new about or on my body. If it pulls me back 2 steps, I'll move forward 3. I'm so determined to figure this disease out. Why am I getting tumors....why is my foot and ankle purple....and why are my hips and legs so weak? There is no why, it's what can I do now to get better. I have to think of it that way. I'll come up with an answer that I know that I'll be able to do. I just really need to give my body a rest. And, get some much needed sleep. :o) Oh goes on with fibromyalgia even if you have to push yourself every hour of the day. :o) God bless you all. :o)

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