Wednesday, January 11, 2006

And so on......

Yesterday seemed to just drag out. :o( I was having such a hard time coping with our beloved loss. I knew my daughter would be coming over to do her laundry, and I just couldn't wait for someone to be here with me. I was in so much pain, so I just laid in bed. gggrrr! I finished calling the resources that the manager of my city gave me. I have great news on that one! I finally found a place that will except my insurance! When you work hard enough for the things you need, it will happen. God only helps those who help themselves. And He did! I was Blessed! I've been praying for this everyday. My daughter finally came over, and it was so nice to have her and my grandson around the quite house. I couldn't stop crying over my loss. It was like a rollar coaster day. Good news and then memories...... My best friend came over as well and was upset like the rest of my family. My sister called me as well. Bless her heart. This is just another "wave" that I have to ride out.

I go and see my doctor again on Thursday. I'm going to let him know that I had bad reactions to the Percacet. But thats alright, I don't want anymore medicines.

My grandson is up. :o) I need to tend to him. :o) Thank you again for all your comments and the emails. God bless you all. :o)

He who guards his mouth preserves his life, but he who opens wide lips shall have destruction.

                                      Proverbs 13:3


Anonymous said...

Yes god does help those who help themselves, he also knows the truth and helps those who are really his people not the actors.....also remeber your family and real friends are here for you as for others who just wanna bring you down act as if they dont exist that will bug them more than anything since they seem to be obsessed with your life , you not commenting or even reading what they say is how you get back and go on. SINCE THEY REALLY ARENT IMPORTANT...NOT AS IMPORTANT AS WHAT YOU DO IS TO ya

Anonymous said...

ahh you poor thing no idea what your ilness is but it sounds not very nice.
Hope things go well for you and the new year.

Anonymous said...

Well thank you! :o) I have fibromyalgia and progressive multiple sclerosis. I have my good and bad days, but I keep going! :o)

Anonymous said...

This is the first day I have not cried believe me and it been almost a week.  No doubt when his ashes come home that will set me off again.  Glad you had some company, it does help.  God bless.