Thursday, January 12, 2006

A commentary.......

What makes people say and do the things they do? What makes people act one way, and then another? What makes people talk lies? What makes people change from one extreme to another? Why do people feel they are able to judge another? What makes people feel that they can use the past against you? What makes people think that "they" are "Holier then Thou?" What makes people think that they know more about you then YOU do?

In my opinion, these kinds of people think that what they believe, is the only way to believe. Should it be that way in life? In my opinion, there are many kinds and types of beliefs in this world today, and everyone was given by God freewill. So, they have their choice to believe whatever they want. I have never looked down or away from people that believe differently then me. God doesn't. We are all His children, no matter what.

What makes people feel the need to boast? What makes people feel the need to covet you? What makes people feel they need to put you down to make them feel better about themselves?

In my opinion, all to have someone else as a scapegoat. Someone else to cast blame on.

In this journal, I have been nothing but the way I am if you would meet me. I do not change for no one. And no one can change me. I love the way I am. I feel thats being true to yourself. Yes, I do have lots of pain everyday of my life, and will continue to. I made this journal for fibromyalgia. I have it wrote that way at the top. So, no one can honestly tell me that I am constantly complaining about what I have. This is me, and this is my life. .....I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with briddle, while the wicked is before me. Psalms 39:1. We are all human and have human feelings and no one on this earth can walk on water. I have feelings, I am still grieving over our loss! My whole family is. That is being human as well.

The reason for this entry is because I am very confused over some issues that someone has brought up. I am me, take it or leave it, I don't care. I also feel that....There by the grace ofGod, walks I....By that, I have taught my children as well. It could be you in their situation. So do not mock or hold covet. James 2:7-10..Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called? If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, ye do well: But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin and are convicted of the law as transgressors. For whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all....

I don't go out of my way to bother or hurt anyone. I have a loving family that I keep in close contact with, and are very supportive of me and the things that I do. And my health. I respect all, and only wish the same back. I do not boast of what we have. I feel that is our business and no one elses, and what we do have, we worked very hard to get, and was not handed to us on a plate. Which makes us appreciate what we have better. Romans 3:27...Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.

This is my opinion. My commentary. Things that have been brought up to me by someone and questions that I'd like to see answered.

Thatnk you for all the comments of the passing in my family. God bless. :o) All comments are welcomed. :o)


Anonymous said...

Amen,honey.. I thought only JESUS walked on water, And far I know he is still in heaven. So what makes people think they can be all rightous and judge people. They think they can walk on water,well one day they will sink, and I hope they can swim. Why can't people just mind there own business and leave everybody alone,don't they have better things to do with their lives. And as far as your illness that's real. Like you always say you wouldn't wish it on your worse enemy. Well honey I hope they never have to go through what you have to endure everyday of your life. Some day it could happen to them. And I know you,you try and help in any way you could,because that's just the kind of person you,are loving,caring and kind. To bad there aren't more people like you in this world. I love you honey,so don't let anything get you down,they aren't worth the dirt under your feet. We all have to answer to our GOD in the end. Heaven help us all. Thank GOD he's a loving,caring,and forging God to all man kind.

Anonymous said...

I agree, and thank you for pointing out that our "kind" is of the human kind. I also like the fact that even though you do not agree with this other person you choose to still wish them well, as made apparent by hoping that they can swim, sometimes it is hard to wish someone well when they are being evil spirited towards you, but it is the Christion thing to do. You show your true colors when it comes to something like this. Your faith is something that can not be seen by the human eye. We are all made in God's image, but for someone to think they can judge anothers faith they must think that they are made from an exact mold, cause their is only one person that would be able to know anothers faith.  There is a line between freedom of speech and that of spitfullness, as to what I see this journal is about feelings and freedom of speech, while others have choosen to be spitfull and try to use it to "condemn" others.

Main Entry: con·demn Pronunciation: k&n-'demFunction: transitive verbEtymology: Middle English, from Middle French condemner, from Latin condemnare, from com- + damnare to condemn -- more at DAMN 1 : to declare to be reprehensible, wrong, or evil usually after weighing evidence and without reservation
2 a : to pronounce guilty : CONVICT b : SENTENCE, DOOM
3 : to adjudge unfit for use or consumption
4 : to declare convertible to public use under the right of eminent domain
synonym see CRITICIZE
- con·dem·nable /-'dem-n&-b&l, -'de-m&-/ adjective
- con·dem·na·to·ry /-'dem-n&-"tOr-e, -'de-m&-, -"to r-/ adjective
- con·demn·er /-'de-m&r/ or con·dem·nor /k&n-'de-m&r; k&n-"dem-'no r, "kän-/ noun Pronunciation Key

Anonymous said...

If anyone is hurting you through comments, take no notice, they are some nasty people out there.  Just delete and block them.  Big hugs

Anonymous said...

I want to thank you all for understanding this issue. Yes, there is someone out there that isn't being very nice to me Jeanntte. I will always write in this journal as I always have, and no one can stop that, or the way I feel. I can not help that I have an illness. And no, I did not "bring it on" myself. Like I've always said, I would never wish this pain on anyone, not even an enemy. And I still mean that. Again...thank you for understanding and being their supporting me through this issue and the loss of my family member.
God bless you.