Friday, October 13, 2006

~Needs & Wants~

Good morning! :o) I should have writen this on my laptop before writing it on just takes me so long any more to type. don't know how long it takes me when this is! :o) When I talk about having a's deffinitly not new. I got it off of my daughter's boy friend last year. He allowed me to make monthly payments of $25.00. He was asking for $200.00...not a bad deal! Even though it took me a while to pay for it...he was patient enough and thats how I have it! :o) It's 6 years old, and it really comes in handy for me! :o) I love it! It was truly nice hearted of him to be so kind to allow me to make payments, knowing how long it would take me to have it payed off. :o) There are times in your life that you have people make it hard on you when they will make it appear that you are a bad person when in is them! When you try to explain the situation to will then look as if you really are a bad person! When if fact, that other person has gone behind your back and said something and has acted like they didn't know about something when they did! When people feel that they have to "step" on someone else to make themselves feel better about them, and others will believe it....somethings wrong! Very wrong! Time will only prove it! And I'm sitting back and waiting! Because I get it! My eyes are wide open! I'm not blinded by falseness, or only "wants"!
Sorry....this probably seems a bit deep. :o) It is! To me...there is a big differance between "needs and wants." I only want the things I need. I'm older now, and have been through a lot and have learned so much throuout my life to know the differance. I suppose this week as well as last week is running together.....I'm still just as confused as I was last week! LOL :o) (plus...the more I'm hearing from "someone" tell me things...hmmm like confess, I wish would have a year ago)
I do "need" still a few things done to this house. But...I can still wait. I don't want anything. I was thinking this morning that the only thing I would want is to have enough money to give to others that I know to help them with their needs be it with medical or what it is they need. Talking with my son and daughter last night....I was very proud! :o) The both of them were talking about a friend of theirs that had passed away a few months and there is a benefit for him that his family is giving this Sunday...which is football day! They never miss that day! Not the Bengals! They both said it didn't matter to them "what" was either on t.v. or etc...that they would not miss the benifit for their friend! Thats how important he is/was to the both of them! A person is more important to them then something material! I'm so proud of them both! :o) My son came home with a "flyer" about the benifit, and he told my daughter that he could only have one because that was all they could afford. My daughter said, "No problem," grabbed it, and put it on the copier and copied it on posted it on her journal for all of the others to see! :o) That quick! They worked together! :o) Because their friends family "needed" their help, and they both went right into action! :o)
Ok...LOL...I've probably confused everyone reading I've looked up and notived that I have 75 emails so that means I'm pretty much behind now in my alerts! :o) LOL
Thank you all for your emails and comments! God blesses all of you! :o)


Anonymous said...

Good kids is usually a sign they had a good mom!
Thinking of you sweety!  Have a nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

It's nice to hear that someone isn't materialistic. I couldn't care less for money, some find that strange! Some people have to surround themselves with material things and still aren't happy. You're right about those who feel the need to criticise others to make themselves look good, they're sadly lacking in something. Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

it was really nce of your daughters boyfriend to work with you like that. i agree with you on this entry.  alot of people make you out to be the bad person but when we try to explain the situation no one really hears what we are saying because they already heard the wrong version of it.  people always tend to belive the bad stories over the true and not bad version of it.
take care

Anonymous said...

Idont want for many material things if I cant afford them I dont have them ,I think you  got a good deal on your laptop ,now that is what I would like ,.,.,lol,.,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I really that entry. When I was growing uo my dad would say " a need is food clothing and shelter." for some reason that has stuck with me.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean about needs and wants.  Sometimes I have to stop myself and ask "Do I need it or just want it." :-)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hugs!  I wont even go into what i think these people should a maybe check their own closets and clean them out before they talk any trash...cause ya know we all have something that someone feels they know more about..and what is important is that YOU, YOUR CHILDREN, YOUR FAMILY (AT HOME), HUSBAND...AND REAL FRIENDS THINK...AND WE THINK YOU ROCK!  Hugs,TerryAnn

Anonymous said...

I agree on wants and needs and whats important

Anonymous said...

hi Lisa...

I don't believe in being in dept. I only buy what i need or can afford, I have no depts, only usual household depts that are always kept up to date. If i want something i will save for it or go without...have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

I want a laptop but don't really need it.  I know what you mean about seperating the wants from the needs.  You should be very proud of your kids.  They made an awesome decision.  HUGS  Chris

Anonymous said...

That WAS very deep... but I enjoyed every word of it.

I love the graphics, especially that first one, WOW!

Sorry I haven't been by to see you in so long, I'm WAAYY behind on my alerts, I'm trying to catch up today though...

Hope you're having a great weekend,


Anonymous said...

Lisa, Boy oh boy are you right!  There are times when people (for no apparent reason) say things to us that cut deeply.  Once said, they can't be taken back.  Then, there are also those people who for no reason, just turn out and support you when you need it most.  Those are the gems in life.  If ever there was a gem, it is you Lisa.  I'll not forget your email Fri, the 13.  Merry

Anonymous said...

What you was saying about people making it hard is so true.And also about needs and wants, as long as i have my rent money and food on the table my wants and needs are very basic. You also have a son and daughter to be proud of, im so sorry for there friend, have a good day.
love and hugs
katie x