Thursday, January 4, 2007

again...don't know where this will lead.

I'm late getting to my journal this morning. I had too much to do. :o) I had alot of email to tend to as well. :o)

I went to bed last night at my regular time. I didn't wake up until 6:45! Wow! I am so exhausted mentally! I tried to sit up and when I did, I was so very dizzy, the room was spinning! I layed there for awhile and watched tv. The room was still really spinning! I have no idea why I was feeling like this. I went ahead and got up any way. I had to get the puppy out and clean up the poo and pee. It wasn't too much! But, I was fust holding on to my walker tight just in case I fell.

I got all of that done, and my coffee was done. I came back in here. I sat down and the room was still spinning! I was hot and very shaky! I'm still shaky and a bit dizzy still. I put something cooler on. I wonder whats going on now.
Well, yesterday I thought when my husband came home, that I was going to really hear about what I had told him the night before. My daughter was in here when I told him, and she remembers what he had said and his reactions, and last night, when he came home I was sitting in my bed resting my hips and legs. He never said anything bad or mean to me about it! My daughter this morning told me that she was as surprised as I was! It was like he was glad that I had made that desicion! He also told me last night that the place his granda was in here in town wasn't an assisted living place! So, he's thinking about it too! :o( Too bad. Someone had said, "Through sickness and health," I wish it was that way. Not in this house. I guess I've proven it! To myself .....I'm hurting so much more inside then anyone could ever imagine! To see the person that you feel in love with act this way towards you, without letting you know when they fell out of love with you, it would have helped me to better understand certain things. I still of course love him, but with how he's been acting these several past months, has hurt me terrible!
And now, putting more on me, besides all of my so overwhelming to me and it is hard on me to do. I've talk to him about that as well. But it's like talking to a brick wall! My daughter agrees as well...because she has to take care of her son during the day, and I can't help it if I get sleepy, weak, not able to walk, and not able to walk fast enough! I can;t hekp it, and he feels that I can! That I still don't understand. Oh well.
He called a bit ago just to see how the puppy was! He's fine. and oh, by the way...We're fine too! :o(
When I prayed this morning, I ask the Lord to guid me in the right direction. And I know He will. In His time.
Well...I'm going now. Thank you all for your emails, ecards and comments! If you only knew how much it means to me. God bless all of you!


Anonymous said...

Big hugs to you today my dear friend.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I know that eveything will work out for you. Just stay strong and be thankful for the little things. Hugs

Anonymous said...

Reading your entry i can feel the pain you are suffering. you are not in a good positon at the moment and i feel so bad for you.
your in my prayers
love and hugs
Katie xx

Anonymous said...

I had a feeling he did not still be in love with you. One reason he did not want to do the video for a home remodeling. If he cared he woudl do anything. Have you called some places yet???????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If you haven't got the moral support, Lisa, it's very difficult to get the better of a medically challenging situation. I'm so sorry.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
Your hot and room spinning?  It's not too early for the change to begin...I started with that at age 44, hot/ hot that a possibility.
I think the dog needs to my opinion, it's just too much for you honey.
Men think so differently then we do (sometimes wonder if they think at all).  He may have thought it shows he cares by calling, even though he didn't ask about anyone else.
Hoping things get better for you, real soon.

Anonymous said...

Dear Lisa;
Thank you for your email earlier.  I am concerned about  you and him not taking seriously your illness and treating it as if your faking or manipulative.  The dog is too much to care for and it needs to be placed in a home where it can be taken care of without hurting you to do it.  I know the aching on the inside all too well that you are experiencing.  As much as you're hurting right now is the same degree that you will feel free and relieved later.  Maybe even more so.
I wish I was closer and I could help with things there and keep you company too.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, hope you are feeling better, you are in my thoughts, Love Ya Lisa

Anonymous said...

I hope things are getting better for you...... I really do.
love ya lady

Anonymous said...

Things can only get better for you I am sure.  Hugs.  Terry x