Sunday, February 4, 2007

~Living in Anartica~

It is so cold right now! It's 0 degrees right now! bbbuuurrrr! And the wind chill factor I have no idea, I just no it's cold!
I went out yeaterday and did a few errends that I really needed to get done. Wow! The wind actually blew ME back a few steps! If it can do that, then thats some strong wind! lol :o) It just cut right through you! I just could take now I'm going to try to finish my errands today. Just want to get them all done.
I woke up this morning with all of my blankets  off of me and all over the place! I do remember dreaming something that was kind of scary. And that I was having sleep activity in bed...I think if I wouldn't have woke up when I did, I'm afraid I might have sleep walked! :o( Not good! This has been happening more and more recently! :o( I'm glad I have an appointment to see my sleep specialist soon. Whew! I can't have that happening.
My son played at The Brewery last daughter went to see him! :o) She also is the one that takes the pictures for the band to put on their website! :o) I can't wait until she wakes up so I can see what she got! :o)

I was finally able to get a pair of sunglasses too yesterday! YAY! :o) Having fibromyalgia has made all of my senses so heightened! Even on cloudy days, I have to wear them! I even have a pair that I wear in the house at times! I had a pair, and one day I could find them...well, that was when my grandson was learning to throw things away! LOL :o) Well gee...I wonder where my sunglasses went then? lol He knows now what he can and can't throw away! lol Too funny! :o) We've also learned to lookd through the trash cans before they are taken out just in case! lol :o) So....I'm keeping the new ones way up on the highest shelf so he can't get to them! :o) At least I'm hoping he can't! lol He's been climbing lately too...uh oh! :o) :::shaking my head::: is SUPER BOWL DAY!!! So....that means in this house's going to be a MAD house! aaahhhh! lol My husband is all ready getting prepaired for it! lol Too funny! :o) I don't mind watching, it's just funny how much they really get into it! LOL :o)I can just sit in my room and can tell who's winning...just by how they all yell at the tv.! LOL :o)
I need to go now. I want to get an early start out. It doesn't seem as windy right now. Whew! :o)
Thank you all for you emails and comments! :o) Gods blessings to you all! :o) And I hope your team wins! :o)


Anonymous said...

i am getting ready for church...gotta go out in this freezing ass weather. I was out in it all day yesterday and my face was chapped. I bet your son and daughter had a ball last night.
LOVE, lisa

Anonymous said...

OMG! All I had to read was your title and I nearly fell over laughing!!!!!! Sorry..but that was just hilarious! I am emailing you now, girl! >3

Anonymous said...

What you said about all your senses made total sense to me.  I cannot even open the door and look outside without sunglasses.  My eyes HURT and I get blinded by them watering from the sun.  Then they're dry as the desert indoors.  Medication can also heighten your senses.  One time the doctor put me on Wellbutrin to help quit smoking.  I swear, I could smell "gas" (not the type that heats us) from a mile away.  It was AWFUL!  

Anonymous said...

One more thing...please get a sleep study done.  I have watched a couple of documentaries on sleep walking, and it was really scary.  The most gentle people were in prison for killing someone.  Of someone got up and cooked a whole meal..  What if she caused a fire?  That needs to be checked out.  

Anonymous said...

Superbowl!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!. I am so tired I almost forgot.  This should be one hell of a game.  I have mixed feelings on winning though.  I think I would be happy both ways.  The Bears are a GREAT team..but the Colts haven't won superbowl in a very long time. I like to see underdogs win.  Every team should have that opportunity at some point.  

Anonymous said...

oh man super bowl !!!!!!!! whoo hoo. Hey Im staying in from the winds!!!!!!!! this whole weekend INSDIE LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
It's very cold here also.
I don't much care about the Super Bowl.
I used to be into it big time when I was a bartender.
Need to go to the funeral home today...
Hope you have a good day.

Anonymous said...

enjoy superbowl day. and keep warm. ((((((hugs)))))))

Anonymous said...

We are going to have a crazy day as well, I am sorry that it is so cold there!

Anonymous said...

Stay warm, and enjoy the day.

Anonymous said...

Hope you managed to get your errands sorted :)  and that you saw the photos your daughter took.  Hope your husbands team won.


Anonymous said...

i hope that it gets warmer there for you!!! gosh i hope olivia doesnt go through the throw away stage lol
that would be frustrating!
have a good night
<3, emily