Thursday, February 15, 2007


Well, I have been up all night again. I'm tired, but not sleepy yet! :o(
My physical therapist was just here....uuuhhh! Ouchie! She had to have got all of my trigger points!
I thought about going out side and take more pictures, but...nope, it's -9! No way!
I found another way to post those video's once I found them again! :o) There's still 2 more, but I just didn't feel like doing them. :o)

Well, my husband and I didn't go out to dinner last night. Instead, my daughter and her boy friend went out to dinner, and we baby sat our grandson! So....I guess that means we will go out to dinner Saturday night....I'm hoping, and crossing everything I have to cross! Even my eyes! :o) It's been so long since we've done anything together. But, I guess I missunderstood something that my daughter had said, and I guess "they had their" plans. Oh well, just another day. It's only our 21st anniversary. :::sigh:::
We were talking last night about certain things. And I finally told him that, "You know something, I get a little depressed too having nothing to do and having to stay in this house and no one inviting me to go places, or anything!" I'm really getting tired of feeling like I have to keep putting my self and my feelings and emotions on a back burner! So, I let it be known that I was getting really tired of hearing and talking about it! And if he wants something done about it, then go straight to that person and talk to them, not me! He agreed! I can and will listen to anyone. And be there for anyone....but this has been months now, and if he wants this situation to change, then do something about it, and maybe look a bit further then your nose! It really hurt my feelings badly! The whole night hurt. But, thats ok, it's just me. And again, I'm already "told" that "I will understand and can stay home!" :o( Ok.

So, my nerves were a bit on edge again. And I think thats why I can't sleep half the time, because right when I'm getting ready to lay down, and I am already in bed, either something happens, going on, he comes in to talk. Stress level goes straight up! No sleep for me, and then everyone else goes to bed! Something wrong with that picture! I've said before, nicely, please, i'm trying to go to sleep, or I just layed down, etc! Notta! Now, when I do lay down for a nap, I do make sure that everyone does know that they can wake me up for anything, becuase thats just a nap. At night, someone better be bleeding to death and crawling to my bed before they wake me up! ( well not to that severity, but you get my drift ) I see it as "Respect!" I don't do that to anyone, and I would like it if it wasn't done to me. Geesh! There's only one person that can wake me up and it is fine...and thats my grandson! God Bless him! :o) He seems to be having security problems lately, and I would never ever turn that boy away in a zillion years! :o) I just love him to death...he's what keeps me going in life! He's really change my outlook! :o) When my best friend came over the other day, she hasn't been here in so long....she even noticed how much he acts and looks like my son did when he was his age! :o) And he does! Amazing! :o) And he looks like my daughter too! lol And has his daddy's eye's. :o)
I can't wait until it warms up a bit so I can take him out back and build tunnels and an igloo and sled down my ramp! LOL :o) We can make out back into a wonderland! :o) Like I would do with my kids! :o) I can walk in the snow without my cane, because it's unstable like I am! LOL I told my physical therapist about me going out side to play,even though I know I'll be in pain....and so what, because I'm in pain 24/7 anyway, and she said she would do the samething! :o) And that she doesn't blame me one bit! :o) She knows I'm dying....but it's not like it's going to be tomorrow. I still want to live and not just exist! She said that I really need this alot! :o) I told her that I already knew that one. lol :o) If it gets any warmer today, I just might go out there myself and build a fort and then make a bunch of snowballs and hide them, then go and get my son and then bomb him! LOL Now that sounds like fun! LOL :o) We won't have a shortage of snow! :o) I can send some down to Lori! lol :o)
I took a pain pill an hour ago and I'm still not feeling any relief yet. ggrr! Darn it! :o)
Oh....I have a question for anyone that reads's very important to me. I've done alot of research myself and still am in the dark about it. Q. Does anyone know about autism in baby's, like the age of 1? If so, could you please email me? I would really appreciate it.
Thank you all for all of the e-cards emails and comments! They cheerd me up yesterday! :o) Gods blessings to you all! :o)


Anonymous said...

I do hope you will get some sleep today. So sorry you didn't get to go out for your anniversary dinner. I hope you get to go soon, it will be nice for you to spend time with your hubby alone. If I were you, I'd go outside too, make those snowballs and have yourself a blast. Hope you have a good day. (((((((((hugs)))))))

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yes when you get tenese you cant sleep and I know you were so sad about not being able to go out. that was a bummer. I hope you get to saturday

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I hope you get to go out for your anniversary dinner soon, Hugs Lisa

Anonymous said...

I am sure that you guys will have a nice evening out! I am glad that you did get a chance to get out of the house. I have to venture out today! LOL I am such a house rat sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Sleep deprivation can exhaust you faster than a marathon run, Lisa. I know it's part of the spectrum of things that are wrong, but family situations do not help.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
Sorry you stayed home yesterday.
Honestly I don't like to go out to dinner on Valentines Day because it is always so packed.
I would rather not have to wait.
Has your doctor ever given you Ambien CR for sleep, it knocks me out fast.
It's cold here too.