Wednesday, September 20, 2006




The word narcolepsy comes from two Greek words that can be roughly translated as seized by numbness. The two primary symptoms in narcolepsy reflect this phrase:

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness, with frequent daily sleep attacks or a need to take several naps during the day.

  • Temporary and sudden muscle weakness (called cataplexy), usually brought on by strong emotions.

Some, but not all patients experience other symptoms:

  • Microsleep episodes, in which the patient behaves automatically but without conscious awareness.

  • A sense of paralysis that occurs between wakefulness and sleep (called atonia).

  • Dream-like states between waking and sleeping (called hypnagogic hallucinations).

  • Periodic leg movements during sleep (periodic limb movement disorder).

REM (rapid eye movement) sleep is abnormal in narcolepsy. In fact, narcolepsy is sometimes defined as the loss of boundaries between wakefulness, non-REM sleep, and REM sleep. [For a full definition of REM and nonREM sleep, see box Healthy Sleep.]

Primary Symptoms of Narcolepsy

Excessive Sleepiness. All people with narcolepsy experience excessive sleepiness during the day with episodes of falling asleep rapidly and inappropriately, even when fully involved in an activity. These events may be characterized by the following behaviors:

  • Periods of drowsiness may occur every three or four hours and usually end in short naps.

  • Patients may sleep for a few minutes, particularly if they are in an awkward position or for a few hours if they are lying down.

  • Patients often underestimate the duration of their drowsy periods and may not recall clearly their behavior during that time. [See Microsleep and Automatic Behavior, below.]

Cataplexy. Cataplexy is an abrupt loss of muscle tone or strength that results in an inability to move and always occurs during wakefulness. It occurs in about two-thirds of narcolepsy patients and may be triggered by the following events:

  • Sudden emotion, usually anger or laughter (the most common trigger).

  • Following a heavy meal.

  • During periods of stress.

Muscle reflexes are completely absent during a cataleptic attack. Cataleptic attacks can range from very minimal and be experienced as passing weakness or affecting only the eyelids and face or they may be so severe that they weaken the whole body. Catalepsy may have the following characteristics:

  • In severe cases, a person may fall and remain paralyzed for as long as several minutes, although usually they last less than 30 seconds and can be missed even by skilled observers.

  • Typically the patient's head will suddenly fall forward, the jaw become slack, and the knees will buckle.

  • Speech may become suddenly loud or broken and stutter-like.

Other Symptoms in Narcolepsy

Atonia. Atonia is a sense of paralysis that occurs between wakefulness and sleep, usually upon waking or sometimes at the onset of sleep. The person is conscious but cannot speak, move (cannot even open the eyes), and cannot breathe deeply. Atonia rarely lasts beyond 20 minutes, but when it first occurs, this experience can be terrifying, particularly if the patient also develops hallucinations.

Hypnagogic Hallucinations. Hypnagogic hallucinations are dream-like states, which can cause visual, auditory, or touchable sensations. They occur between waking and sleeping, usually at the onset of sleep, and can also occur about 30 seconds after a cataleptic attack.

  • Visual hallucinations have been described as a "film running through the head" or as a waking dream with strong emotional content. Images can be intrusive. More commonly they may involve seeing colored forms that shift in size and shape.

  • Auditory hallucinations may include random sounds or elaborate melodies.

  • A person may also hallucinate feelings of rubbing or light touches, even levitation.

Such symptoms may also appear in other sleep disorders and are probably related to extreme sleepiness. In general, cataplexy must also be present for a clear diagnosis of narcolepsy, but some experts believe that some patients with narcolepsy may experience hypnagogic hallucinations and daytime sleepiness and not cataplexy.

Microsleep and Automatic Behavior. In some cases the patient has so-called microsleep episodes, in which the person behaves automatically without conscious awareness. Such automatic behavior may not be recognized as part of a disorder by either the patients or the people around them. Some examples are as follows:

  • People with narcolepsy can be driving or walking competently but end up in a location different from the intended one.

  • A narcolepsy patient can be carrying on a conversation and jump from one unrelated topic to another or just trail off and stop talking altogether.

  • The patient may suddenly perform bizarre actions, such as putting socks in the refrigerator.

  • Patients may experience severe forgetfulness.

  • Their movements may suddenly become slow or clumsy.

In some cases, their behavior may resemble some forms of epileptic seizures.

Disturbed Sleep. Although in the narcolepsy, nighttime sleep is often disturbed, it is usually mild to moderate and does not account for the daytime sleepiness experienced by people with narcolepsy.

Periodic Limb Movement Disorder. Many patients with narcolepsy experience periodic limb movement disorder, also called PLMD (formerly known as nocturnal myoclonus), in which the leg muscles involuntarily contract every 20 to 40 seconds during sleep, occasionally arousing the patient, who, however, is usually unaware of the cause of the interruption.

Circadian RhythmIn sleep studies, subjects spend about one-third of their time asleep, suggesting that most people need about eight hours of sleep each day. Individual adults differ in the amount of sleep they need to feel well rested, however. (Infants may sleep as many as 16 hours a day.)

The daily cycle of life, which includes sleeping and waking, is called a circadian (meaning "about a day") rhythm, commonly referred to as the biologic clock. Hundreds of bodily functions follow biologic clocks, but sleeping and waking comprise the most prominent circadian rhythm. The sleeping and waking cycle is approximately 24 hours. (If confined to windowless apartments, with no clocks or other time cues, sleeping and waking as their bodies dictate, humans typically live on slightly longer than 24-hour cycles.) It usually takes the following daily patterns:

  • Humans are designed for daytime activity and nighttime rest.

  • Additionally, there is a natural peak in sleepiness at mid-day, the traditional siesta time.
In addition, daily rhythms intermesh with other factors that may interfere or change individual patterns:

  • The fraction-of-a-second-firing of nerve cells in the brain may be faster or slower in different individuals.

  • The monthly menstrual cycle in women can shift the pattern.

  • Light signals coming through the eyes reset the circadian cycles each day, so changes in season or various exposures to light and dark can unsettle the pattern. The importance of sunlight as a cue for circadian rhythms is dramatized by the problems experienced by people who are totally blind. They commonly suffer trouble sleeping and other rhythm disruptions.

The Response in the Brain to Light SignalsThe response to light signals in the brain is an important key factor in sleep:

  • Light signals travel to a tiny cluster of nerves in the hypothalamus in the center of the brain, the body's master clock, which is called the supra chiasmatic nucleus or SCN.

  • This nerve cluster takes its name from its location, which is just above (supra) the optic chiasm, which is a major junction for nerves transmitting information about light from the eyes.

  • The approach of dusk each day prompts the SCN to signal the nearby pineal gland (named so because it resembles a pine-cone) to produce the hormone melatonin.

  • Melatonin is thought to act as the body's time-setting hormone. The longer a person is in darkness the longer the duration of melatonin secretion. Secretion can be diminished by staying in bright light. Melatonin also appears to trigger the need to sleep.

Sleep CyclesSleep consists of two distinct states that alternate in cycles and reflect differing levels of brain nerve cell activity:

Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep (NonREM). NonREM sleep is also termed quiet sleep. NonREM is further subdivided into three stages of progression:

  • Stage 1 (light sleep).

  • Stage 2 (so-called true sleep).

  • Stage 3 to 4 (deep "slow-wave" or delta sleep).
With each descending stage, awakening becomes more difficult. It is not known what governs NonREM sleep in the brain. A balance between certain hormones, particularly growth and stress hormones, may be important for deep sleep.

Rapid Eye-Movement Sleep (REM). REM sleep is termed active sleep. Most vivid dreams occur in REM sleep. REM-sleep brain activity is comparable to that in waking, but the muscles are virtually paralyzed, possibly preventing people from acting out their dreams. In fact, except for vital organs like lungs and heart, the only muscles not paralyzed during REM are the eye muscles. REM sleep may be critical for learning and for day-to-day mood regulation. When people are sleep-deprived, their brains must work harder than when they are well rested.

The REM/NREM Cycle. The cycle between quiet (NREM) and active (REM) sleep generally follows this pattern:

  • After about 90 minutes of NonREM sleep, eyes move rapidly behind closed lids, giving rise to REM sleep.

  • As sleep progresses the NonREM/REM cycle repeats.

  • With each cycle, NonREM sleep becomes progressively lighter, and REM sleep becomes progressively longer, lasting from a few minutes early in sleep to perhaps an hour at the end of the sleep episode.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

my hubby suffers from obstructive sleep apnea,this is a lesser condition then narcolepsy,it is where the soft palette of the mouth falls down into the throat area,causing excessive snoring and breathing difficulties,the result? Him up doing the ironing asleep at 4 am lol,the cause? Mainly due to being overweight,paul drank excessively in a bad period of his life and as we know,beer is packed with bad sugars,amongst alot of nasties.He has an oxygen machine to help him sleep and now i can get into a car safely without him falling asleep at the just thought id add that,mainly as some people do get the two sleep disorders mixed up and i also wanted to sound ok i failed lol take care hun,i hope the doctor can help you today xxzoexx