Saturday, September 9, 2006


Good morning! I love this's so true! :o) This morning I decided to show pictures of the muslce "lumps" I talk about. It was kind of hard to take the pictures my self, but I got some of them that are the largest. :o) I only want to show what I go through and what they really look like. Just ignore the stretch! :o) I got those when I was pregnant for my son! :o)
Well, so far this morning my legs are hurting me. Last night, my husband and I went to visit his parents. I thought I'd go because I felt up to it, and who knows when I'll feel that way again! :o) So, I jumped on it! :o) I took my cane with me to help me walk....and very glad I did. His parents live in town, but it really took a lot out of me just to do that! Geesh! :o) We came home and I still needed to go to the grocery. My daughter went with me and my husband watched our grandson. We went to Wal Mart because they have the motorized chairs. We were only there for about an hour and I was just so exausted! I had a hard time even getting in the house! And I didn't even walk! :o) I'm paying for it. lol Thats what my body does! :o) I know to expect that. lol :o)
I woke up this morning in pain. Nothing unusual! :o) My back is hurting pretty bad, but I really can't do anything about, I just deal with it! :o) I was going to try to go to the meat market today to get a roast for vegetable soup, but....I'm not sure if I'll be able to. I'll take a nap and then see how I'm feeling then. :o)
My daughter went to a class this morning. :o) My husband and I love it! :o) He's so funny! lol :o) I fed him his breakfast and changed his clothes. Last night at Wal Mart, I was getting banana's and I am low because of sitting on the motorized chair, and I seen that they had these too cute miniture banana's!!! LOL :o) Of course, I just had to get them for my grandson! LOL He seen the regular banana's on the table this morning and wanted I got him one of the miniture ones....and the look I got was pricless! LOL He looked at it, then looked back at the regular ones! lol It was funny! :o) It was just enough of what he eats of a banana anyways. lol :o) He's just too cute for words! :o) Well...I think both of my kids are too! :o)
I think I'll get off of here back and hips are hurting. I want to thank all of you for all of your comments! Wow....believe me, some made me cry...a good cry! :o) I love my J-Land family! :o) Thank you so much! Your comments really do keep me going! :o) God bless all of you! :o)


Anonymous said...

Lisa, I am your first comment this morning, what a beautiful grandson you have !!!!!!!!!!! I am glad other people see you as I do, you are a beautiful human being who is an inspiration to so many and you are a great friend too !!!!!!!! Hugs Lisa

Anonymous said...

Hubby & Gson are both cuties! LOL
Giving us some ceesecake, huh? LOL
The lumps don't look bad in the pics, butI know they must feel bad!
Did you see the pics I posted of my knees in my pet journal awhile back?
Hope you have a good weekend dear.
Hugs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

*HUGS*  I don't know what to say's just awful what you have to go through!

:-(  You know where I am if you need a chat!

Lv Stevie

Anonymous said...

happy you were up to going out. i have plenty of my own stretch marks from jason..they make me very uncomfortable sometimes. your graphics are always very pretty. your grandson is adorable.
have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

Well done getting out to see your in laws and then shopping ,I do admire you ,and realise it is an effort for you ,saw your lumps ,but also saw some pretty blonde hair on the shoulder picture ,.,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you got your shopping done, but I am sorry that you were so worn out!

Anonymous said...

That's terrible what you're going through, but I'm amazed that you always have such a positive demeanor when you're talking about it. You are an extraordinary person.

Hope you're having a great day!


Anonymous said...

I think I see what you are talking about--the muscle lumps.

Even though you had so much pain and had to use your cane.  You sound good and you were able to get out and about. Good for you!!!!!!  That is so important.  That is the one thing I don't do very often.


Anonymous said...

enjoy your weekend:)


Anonymous said...

WOW your lumps look sore and painful, I'm so sorry for you, but you keep smiling ~ I love all the smileys in your entries, well done to you for keeping so upbeat about it all. As for your stretch marks lol.....I have loads, they are part of us, they come with our kids! Your grandson is ADORABLE!!! Those beautiful blue eyes ~ he's really handsome!! When my kids were little they'd only eat the miniature banana's, now they won't eat them at all!!! Have a great, painfree weekend, take care of yourself.
lotsa love Debbie ~xxxxx~

Anonymous said...

I know what you are talkin about. I get those muscle lumps with my fibromyalgia. So painful. The worse spasm like pain. Heat helps sometimes. We really pay when we push beyond our muscles limits. So sorry you are hurting, I'll put you on my prayer list. Take care and have a nice weekend.
God Bless,

Anonymous said...

I have never seen muscle lumps :( I wish you didn't have to fight this,,okay, even HAVE this :(
your grandson is a doll! My boy LOVES Spongebob :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you had so much pain when you went out. I can empathize with that as I've had ulcerated legs for 18months and the pain is exhausting. Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

oh hun i know i shouldnt say it,but i do feel sorry for you,those lumps are so painful looking are they painful? I didnt see any stretch marks hun,you jammy sod ive got loads,stretch marks on top of stretch marks lol,oh yes and no im not taking a picture of any of them,no no not even for you hun marks hide deep away under my clothes,i hate em.Ive been under weight an obese so many times in my life i gotta get a new hobby lol,no more babies.I cant take the weight gain,i can sympathise with back pain,i had a car accident 3 months after my first child was born,so obviously my ligaments were still soft,well my back didnt start hurting until they went back to shape,then oh my god,every day,getting in and out of bed,or the car or a bath,my lower back pain is excruciating,my doctor just says theres not alot to be done about it as i will have arthritis there one day,ooh thanx mate god ,i only wanted some pain relief,anyway bugger the doctor,i do yoga,not very well and it looks funny but it does help,no im not taking a pic of me doing that either lol take care hun ,mwahhs xxzoexx

Anonymous said...

Lisa, my goodness, those lumps just look so horribly painful.  I don't know how you keep your spirits up and do it so admirably well.  You have such a bright and loving soul.  And your grandson, what can I say, except he is gorgeous.  I just want to give him the biggest hug.  Love ya, Chris

Anonymous said...

I have lumps all over my back (call me hunch back lol) and my legs have maps for veins that are broken and I have restless leg syndrom and cant sit in a car for long and travel. that is why we do short camp trips not too far away. my lumps are very knotty and sore and get bigger and smaller. daddy has them so I dont know waht they are. we just have them and they make it hard to move and such. I do also have a ganglean syst on my hand that has gotten worse and cuases me to drop stuff and not control my fingers. GIRL We are falling apart we need to try to put to gether one good woman between us!!!!!!  I dont know if we could do evne that l!!!!!!!!