Thursday, September 14, 2006

Have to share something I just read that Confuses me.

I know.....I'm not resting...LOL I will soon! :o) I just read something and I wanted to share it with you. It really confused me, or I took it wrong..I don't know. It kind of upset me to think that there are others out there that really do think this way. I read that a person was arrested because they had stickers on their car praising Jesus and the Jesus fish, and more on their car. They were arrested because they were honking their horn at the car in front of them and raising their arms and hands at the car in front of them, and cursing because the car in front of them didn't go through a yellow light! And the arresting officer told them the reason they were arrested because he thought they stole that car because of the stickers and the Jesus fish and they were mad at the person in front of them. Is that right? Is that fair? Does he or anyone else for that matter have a right to judge someones outer appearance? No one on the earth is perfect.


Anonymous said...

wel does make sense. I mean I always think............. if I haev a stickre that says praise GOD then I better be careful of my driving. So I dont put stickers about GOD on my car or truck I dont wnat to give him a bad name. Its kind of not judging I guess if you are cursing nad yelling over a yellow light then maybe you are so embodiing the image you are saying in the stucker. ALSO you can be arrested for road rage now days and that is what it boiled down to. AND I dont always believe what i read as that may not be the WHOLE story.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If you own the car then you should be able to anything on the car that you want!

Anonymous said...

This sounds familiar. I have read this story as a joke-email recently. The reason, in a nutshell, for the driver to get nabbed by the cops was that such behaviour (basically road rage) was the last they were expecting from someone driving a car bedecked with Jesus-type stickers (sorry, no offense meant). They would assume the vehicle had been stolen. It's supposed to be a joke.

Be well soon

Anonymous said...

OMG that is not right at all! That officer should at least given the lady a chance to explain herself on "why" she was upset because she didn't get through the light. Maybe something happened at home or whatever and she "needed" to get there asap. But no, just because she had "christian" stickers on her car doesn't mean that she has to act all sweet and innocent...believe me there are some so called "christians" that aren't all sweet and innocent. That was a weird story.
Love ya mom

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I've also read something like this on net before that was a joke.  Don't believe having stickers on your car would really be an offense in real life.  But, stop and think how would you like to be the car in front of another car that was cursing, waving and raising their arms, etc. in this day and age.  Wouldn't you feel maybe your well being could be in danger because of the way folks behind you were acting.  If this was true, I personally would have got on my cell phone and called the police. AJ

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Best wishes and take care...


Anonymous said...

The officer must have had to meet his quota for the month.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, If they were arrested just for thier bumper sticker that is ridiculous !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs to You Lisa XO

Anonymous said...

I tend to believe this was a joke email but also I know that they're cracking down on road rage.  Finally.  She shouldn't have been judged by the stickers.  That's just silly.  Everybody knows no one is perfect.  But she should have set a better example in public.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like they were arrested because their ridiculous behavior, very rude and juvenile, honking and waving arms about, didn't quite match what the bumper stickers etc proclaimed, therefore the cop rightly thought this car may not belong to the people in it. I's say.  CATHY